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From XES to PetriNet
Hi all,
I'm new about ProM discussion&usage.
I just need to understand how to visualize a PetriNet graph starting from a XES file.
I found a source sw on GitHub to converst a CVS file to XES file.
Now I'd like to convert a XES file to PetriNet graph, in other words I need to visualize, to see a graphic model.
Who can help me or clean my (maybe) confused ideas?
Thanks in advance.
To be clear: A XES file does not contain a Petri net graph, but an event log. If you import a XES file into ProM, you will get an event log in your workspace. This event log can be visualized in different ways, but not immediately as a Petri net graph. For the latter, you first need to discover (or mine) a Petri net graph from the event log, which can be done in different ways. One option would be to use the Inductive Miner, another could be to use the Alpha Miner. Both miners could result in the same Petri net graph, but chances are that the will discover different Petri net graphs from the same event log. A discovered Petri ent graph can then be visualized in ProM.Hope this helps a bit.
Thank you very much. You have clarified my confused ideas.My problem is: I need to put some Java code inside a Liferay Portlet.This code will do:1) Get CVS file and transform it in XES file (the code I found work fine!)2) Get the XES file, read it, and via Inductive Miner or Alpha Miner obtain a Petri Net Graph. I found AlphaMiner-6.5.47.jar and InductiveMiner-6.7.297.jar inside rapidprom.libraries-master on GitHub (I don't remember the exactly web address). I think that I can use them (jars) to get what I want. All that because I can't use ProM outside Liferay Portlet. I'm working on a integrated sw system and I can't call ProM by a portlet.Do you know if it's possible to do that?Thanks, Fulvio.
Hi Fulvio,Yes, that would be possible. The main thing to do for you would be to create your own plug-in context object to pass on to the plug-ins, as every ProM plug-in has the plug-in context as first parameter. Although some plug-ins may accept a null context, many plug-ins will not, so you need to provide a decent context object to the plug-ins.I think it would be best if you search this forum for "Context" or something similar. This should provide you with some ideas/hints on how to get your own context.Kind regards,
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