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How to add a new quality demension in ETM?
Hello everyone,
For the purpose to improve the efficiency of the ETM alogrithm,I decide to add a quality demension in the fitness formula.I noticed that we can add different quality demensions in the ETMd framework,one of them is "edit distance".which means that calculate the absolate edit distance between candidates and a set of base trees using the RTED library which determines the optimal approach for a quick calculation.
Does this means that it can improve the speed of the calculation?
I know that the edit distance can express the similarity between two process trees,but how can we use it to improve the speed of the calculation?
And where is the RTED library?
Thank you in advance.
For the purpose to improve the efficiency of the ETM alogrithm,I decide to add a quality demension in the fitness formula.I noticed that we can add different quality demensions in the ETMd framework,one of them is "edit distance".which means that calculate the absolate edit distance between candidates and a set of base trees using the RTED library which determines the optimal approach for a quick calculation.
Does this means that it can improve the speed of the calculation?
I know that the edit distance can express the similarity between two process trees,but how can we use it to improve the speed of the calculation?
And where is the RTED library?
Thank you in advance.
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