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Metrics in prom - looking for paper
Can someone help me?
I need the paper who describe about the metricus that we can export in prom.
Example: move-log fitness, trace fitness, etc.
As image below.
I appreciate any help

Can someone help me?
I need the paper who describe about the metricus that we can export in prom.
Example: move-log fitness, trace fitness, etc.
As image below.
I appreciate any help

Hi Rosangela,For this, please check the publications of Arya Adriansyah, which can be found on In particular his PhD thesis titled "Aligning observed and modeled behavior" and the paper titled "Replaying history on process models for conformance checking and performance analysis" may be of interest.usual log fitness (as defined in these papers), but the average trace fitness over all traces.Kind regards,
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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