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Start event , end devent not detected when start and end time contain millisecond
in ProM 6
Hi , i've installed ProM6.6, I found below issue - can anyone pls clarify
1. its working fine when event log file has start and end time with no millisecond.
2. but when Start Time and end Time has millisecond(example: "4/4/2018 9:26:56.741000 AM") , ProM 6.6 is not detecting start event and end event properly.
is there any work around on this issue?
1. its working fine when event log file has start and end time with no millisecond.
2. but when Start Time and end Time has millisecond(example: "4/4/2018 9:26:56.741000 AM") , ProM 6.6 is not detecting start event and end event properly.
is there any work around on this issue?
Dear,Which plug-in are you using to detect these start and end events?Kind regards,
Eric. -
Hi Eric, thanks for your response.
input is a CSV file, Plug in is: "Convert CSV to XES"
May I get some further insight pls?
Hi,I asked the developer of that plug-in to respond to your question, as he is the expert on it. Apparently, that did not happen yet. I know some things, but my knowledge may be not entirely up-to-date.I know there has been an issue with millisecond precision with this CSV to XES plug-in. I checked the sources, and there the millisecond precision issue is mentioned explicitly., which makes me believe the plug-in should now handle this correctly.You mention that you're using ProM 6.6, which is almost two years old now. Would it be possible for you to use a more recent version, like ProM 6.7, or (even better) the most recent ProM Nightly Build (see It is very well possible that in these versions the problem has been already solved.Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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