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Hi Eric,
I am researcher at IBM Research Labs, India. We want to generate BPMN using heuristics miner through command line. I came across a very relevant post:
It will be really helpful if you can clarify the prom version used for this. I am trying on version 6.4 and getting errors.
ThanksJuly 2018 Comment -
Dear JBuijs,
I am Si-Yuan Jing, a Ph.D. student. I met some problems when I used CPN Tools to generate event logs. Could you help me?
1. I study some CPN Models in Ana's PhD thesis "Genetic Process Mining".
(1) action(createCaseFile(id)) : what is the meaning of action()? Is it a opeartion provided by CPN ML;
(2) Is createCaseFile(id) a declaration? How to implement it?
2. action(addATE(id,"D",["complete"],"","",[])): It looks like an opeartion to add an event.
(1) Is addATE(id,"D",["complete"],"","",[]) a declaration? How to implement it?
3. If the design of CPN model is finished, how to generate an event log? By CPN simulation or a plugin?
PS: I can not visit the links you provided in the ProM forum.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Si-Yuan JingAugust 2019 Comment-
JBuijsPlease post your question(s) on the forum as I'm not working in academia anymore I cannot answer most questions.
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Dear borisnik,
I am Si-Yuan Jing, a Ph.D. student.
I am looking for an example of generation of event log by CPN Tools. Can you help me?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Si-Yuan JingAugust 2019 Comment
Howdy, Stranger!