Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.ltlchecker.CheckVisualizerConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.ltlchecker.visualizing.LTLViewerConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.models.connections.fuzzymodeladapted.FuzzyModelAdaptedConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.models.connections.fuzzymodel.FuzzyModelConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.declare.visualizing.DeclareViewerConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.ilpminer.netproperties.NetPropertiesConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.log.metrics.plugins.DummyComplexityMetric could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.log.metrics.plugins.DummyCompletenessMetric could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.petrinet.replayfitness.ReplayFitnessConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.grid.geneticminer.master.AbstractGeneticMinerMaster could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified. Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.replayer.tester.ModelTestGenerator could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.