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Can i embed my plugin to ProM public?
Hi guys,
I'm coding my plugin, but everytime i want test my plugin i must run with Eclipse. So, i want to pack my plugin and run it with ProM (public version from homepage) was installed. Can i do this?
I'm coding my plugin, but everytime i want test my plugin i must run with Eclipse. So, i want to pack my plugin and run it with ProM (public version from homepage) was installed. Can i do this?
Yes, you can. In Eclipse, you can export the project to a jar file. When running ProM, you should make sure that the exported jar file is added to the classpath.
Kind regards,
I have been tried, but it have a notification: " VM arguments will not be part of the runnable JAR. Arguments can be passed on the command line when launching the JAR". Can you help me? Thank you.
Best regards.
It does not have to be a runnable jar. You will not run ProM from your jar file, but form the usual ProM jar file. The scripts that start ProM have the necessary VM arguments, you only need to add the exported jar file to the classpath.
Kind regards,
Sorry for this disturbance.
Your mean is ProM jar file, which export from source code?
When i try to export usual jar file (Workshop project), it do not have main class UITopica.
Thanks for your help
Best reagard.
Dear Khanlv,
Not, it is a plain jar file, which also does not contain the main class UITopia.
Download a Nightly Build version of ProM from this URL: Extract the contents of the archive in some folder. Export your project to a MyExport.jar file in that same folder. The open the ProM.bat file in your favorite text editor, and add the jar file you just exported to the classpath, for example:@java -Xmx4G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -classpath "%X%;MyExport.jar" -XX:+UseCompressedOops -Djava.library.path=.//lib -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI > message.log
Then start ProM using the changed ProM.bat file. Your plug-ins should available in ProM.
Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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