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data-flow in an event log
Hi all!
I am interested in data-aware process mining. I have read some papers about it [1] and apparently, it is possible for a Data Petri Net (DPN-net) to write the value of a set of variables during a transition firing. Thus, I guess that an event log can also contain data-flow information. Taking a look at the real-life event log used in [1] (, I can see the definition of some data variables, in tags like:
<string key="AMOUNT_REQ" value="25000"/>
at the beginning of a trace. But I cannot see how inside an event, the value of a variable can be changed. Any help/example of how to do this in an event log?
Thank you!
[1] De Leoni, M., & van der Aalst, W. M. (2013, March). Data-aware process mining: discovering decisions in processes using alignments. In Proceedings of the 28th annual ACM symposium on applied computing (pp. 1454-1461). ACM.
I am interested in data-aware process mining. I have read some papers about it [1] and apparently, it is possible for a Data Petri Net (DPN-net) to write the value of a set of variables during a transition firing. Thus, I guess that an event log can also contain data-flow information. Taking a look at the real-life event log used in [1] (, I can see the definition of some data variables, in tags like:
<string key="AMOUNT_REQ" value="25000"/>
at the beginning of a trace. But I cannot see how inside an event, the value of a variable can be changed. Any help/example of how to do this in an event log?
Thank you!
[1] De Leoni, M., & van der Aalst, W. M. (2013, March). Data-aware process mining: discovering decisions in processes using alignments. In Proceedings of the 28th annual ACM symposium on applied computing (pp. 1454-1461). ACM.
Hi vrodriguezf,
I have asked the author of the paper to answer your question.Guangming Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Victor,
An event could also contain a line like follows:<string key="AMOUNT_REQ" value="20000"/>
This means that the value for the AMOUNT-REQ attribute would have been changed to 20000.
Kind regards,
Alright, I didn't know that! I was looking for something like that in the log but I couldn't find it. I guess the reason is simply that the variable AMOUNT_REQ does not change during the process.
Thanks a lot!!!
Dear Victor,
There are some real-life event logs where attributes are defined at event level, meaning inside event tags, such as
Please note that the activity name or the resource are in fact also data attributes, special ones because the attribute names are defined by the standard but still they are attribute names. -
Dear Massimiliano,
Now I see it clear in that log
Thank you so much! And congratulations for your paper!
Howdy, Stranger!
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