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Deducing Case Ids from Unlabeled Event Log
Hey Guys,
I am interested in process discovery of unlabeled event logs (there is no end-to-end processes, e.g., production processes).
Do you know any solution for such pre-processing task to convert an unlabeled to a labeled event log?
I am thinking of using unsupervised learning (clustering) based on other features such as input and output data?
Is there any support for such analysis in Prom? or any solution?
Thank you
I am interested in process discovery of unlabeled event logs (there is no end-to-end processes, e.g., production processes).
Do you know any solution for such pre-processing task to convert an unlabeled to a labeled event log?
I am thinking of using unsupervised learning (clustering) based on other features such as input and output data?
Is there any support for such analysis in Prom? or any solution?
Thank you
Please do not post the same question in mutlple threads at the same time.
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