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Composite State Machine Miner (CSM) metric calculations
In the resulting models of the CSM miner there are some metrics I can not find any information about.
These are: Cosine, Jaccard and Phi. I want to know how they are calculated from the log and what the resulting number says.
In the resulting models of the CSM miner there are some metrics I can not find any information about.
These are: Cosine, Jaccard and Phi. I want to know how they are calculated from the log and what the resulting number says.
I have forwarded your question to one of my colleagures who developpedthe CSM. Please be patient.
Hi Vercoulen,
The information on the different metrics can be found in the following paper: Guided Interaction Exploration in Artifact-centric Process Models ( or
Thanks both for the quick reaction!
I have another question: My log has no co-occurrence results, only one for the transition co-occurrence but that is from the Notstarted state. I am pretty sure there are co-occurrences. What could be a reason there are no results?
Log is added as attachment.
I found out that using the `|` symbol in value of the concept:name of an event is causing the problem. (Or in the process:initialstate:)
Howdy, Stranger!
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