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Group Equal Instances in a Log
Is there any option in prom 6.7 to "Group Equal Instances in a Log"?
I need to group all instance that are the same and then export to an file.
Is there any option in prom 6.7 to "Group Equal Instances in a Log"?
I need to group all instance that are the same and then export to an file.
I guess what you mean by "equal instances" is those cases with the same event sequence.
You can use the visualizer named "Explore Event Log (Trace variants/Searchable)", it support to export the selected trace variants as a new log.
Hope this will help.
Hi CongLiu,
Thanks !
Yes, i meant exactly that. Using "Explore Event Log (Trace variants/Searchable)"
is not possible to export the grouped visualized to .csv file.
yes, only for xes.
Howdy, Stranger!
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