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Duplicated events after xes transform
Hi, i'm using prom lite 1.1, after import an .csv file and transform to xes the information showed to me are duplicated.
The process below has the id '1234' with 14 line and diferents activities and timestamp.
Could you help me please?
I guess each line (one activity) is mapped to two events in the log, i.e., we mean start and complete. If not, please put your csv here.
Hi CongLiu,Thanks for the answer, I have one activity that occur many times but in different dates.
I alread did a lot of tests, even changing the name of the activities the problem persists.
I appreciate your help.
The link to the log is: -
I did it with the following setting and it works fine with just 14 events.
The problem was the "Start time". I did not fill out and it worked.
I always used the same data in this two fields, I do not know if it was wrong.
Howdy, Stranger!
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