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Partial aware replay documentation
Hi lzha174,
Thanks for your question. Please follow this question to find answers: I also send your question to the author of the "Partial Aware Replay" plugin. Maybe she can give you more information.Guangming Li
PhD student in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi lzha174,
Thanks for your question.
Here is the link to find an userguide for the partial aware replay. Also an example of the event log and the model you can use.
Here are two papers related to partial-order aware replay.
[1] Xixi Lu, Dirk Fahland, Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Conformance Checking Based on Partially Ordered Event Data. Business Process Management Workshops 2014: 75-88
[2] Xixi Lu, Ronny Mans, Dirk Fahland, Wil M. P. van der Aalst: Conformance checking in healthcare based on partially ordered event data. ETFA 2014: 1-8
Thanks Xlu!
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