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prom lite queries
I am trying to understand the basics of the ProM 6.5 lite tool, and i wanted to get some clarity on working with a .csv file.
I currenty am using a file that has a case id, activity, start and end dates, customer, product, service type and resource as data columns.
(1)After importing the .csv, by using the actions tab to convert it to .xes, we have to map the unique case identifier with an appropriate event column. But
on inspecting the resulting XES event log created, the rest of the columns do not seem to be mapped. For example, though we have resource data, the event log shows <no resource>
while mousing over the case instances in the inspector explorer mode. How can the mapping be done correctly? Also, if we try to map multiple event columns to the same case id,
it only consolidates all the event columns (with the '|' operator) and pins it to the particular case id, which is again not helpful.
(2)On providing the Start and end date columns, the number of events in the resulting .xes event log doubles, taking these two into account separately. Is this how
the tool works, as ideally arent both the start and end dates relating to a single event in an instance?
(3)While working on the Conformance Checker option, the tool hangs due to memory constraints while working with the same file containing 7548 rows. The tempora.ry work around
was to map only the Start date (to avoid the number of events from doubling) and to filter out some data. But could you please explain how and why the memory issue results
and how this can be avoided as the tool should ideally be able to handle much larger amounts of process data.
Sincerely awaiting your response.
Hi Rubina,
To quickly answer your questions:
1) when you go into the 'expert/advanced mapping' mode (see button on top right, not sure what exact name is), you can specify the org:resource attribute for the resource column.
2) this is as expected, as an event is an atomic observation of a transition of the state of an activity. E.g. A is started or completed, are two atomic events. Activities have a duration, events don't.
3) You can specify more memory to be used by ProM by starting the package manager (when not using ProM lite). If you're using ProM lite go to the installation folder and either locate the 'ProMLite11.l4j.ini' or 'ProMLite11.bat' file. Look for '-Xmx4G' or similar and replace the 4 by the amount of Gigabytes of memory you can allocate to ProM.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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