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Problem converting a csv file to xes in XESame
Hi everybody,
i'm trying to run the classic "getting started" example for XESame (, but i'm facing problems.
I created the ODBC connection to the files with the windows administrative tool (64-bits procedure). I gave the JDBC Driver location as the rt.jar in a 64 bits jre7 lib folder.
When I click on "Test Connection", nothing happens, no error message, but no validation message either. If I change the location of the driver to a wrong one I have an error (normal), but if I change the URL to database to something that doesn't exist, I still have no error (That doesn't make me very confident).
On the conversion panel, when I run the conversion (with VERBOSE level), I have the unique log :
(PROGRESS) Starting step 1 of 6: initialization.
And then nothing happen for hours. If I try to "Cancel Execution", I have a log telling me that the cancellation message is sent, but nothing happen neither, and I have to stop the application to be able to test again.
For information, I'm running XESame on Window 7, with a Java 7 64 bits:
>java -version
java version "1.7.0_79"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
I tried to run the application as an administrator, no effect. I tried to change the location the CacheDB location in the setting panel if maybe the application could not write in the default folder, but the feature doesn't work, I give another location but the setting never change.
What could be wrong? The driver? The ODBC datasource? I'm out of idea here, I would be glad if you could provide some help :-)
Best regards,
i'm trying to run the classic "getting started" example for XESame (, but i'm facing problems.
I created the ODBC connection to the files with the windows administrative tool (64-bits procedure). I gave the JDBC Driver location as the rt.jar in a 64 bits jre7 lib folder.
When I click on "Test Connection", nothing happens, no error message, but no validation message either. If I change the location of the driver to a wrong one I have an error (normal), but if I change the URL to database to something that doesn't exist, I still have no error (That doesn't make me very confident).
On the conversion panel, when I run the conversion (with VERBOSE level), I have the unique log :
(PROGRESS) Starting step 1 of 6: initialization.
And then nothing happen for hours. If I try to "Cancel Execution", I have a log telling me that the cancellation message is sent, but nothing happen neither, and I have to stop the application to be able to test again.
For information, I'm running XESame on Window 7, with a Java 7 64 bits:
>java -version
java version "1.7.0_79"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_79-b15)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
I tried to run the application as an administrator, no effect. I tried to change the location the CacheDB location in the setting panel if maybe the application could not write in the default folder, but the feature doesn't work, I give another location but the setting never change.
What could be wrong? The driver? The ODBC datasource? I'm out of idea here, I would be glad if you could provide some help :-)
Best regards,
Hi Fabien,
I cannot help you with xesame, but you could give the new CSV importer in ProMLite (or the nightly builds) a try. Just import a CSV file to ProM as described here: Importer/LogCSVImport.pdf
Hi Fabien,
First of all, thank you for trying XESame
I agree with Felix, if you only need to convert 1 CSV file to an event log, then the CSV importer is the best choice. If you have multiple connected CSV files, or if in the end you want to connect to a database, then use XESame.
Did you try the tips indicated on There is a difference between 32 and 64 bit ODBC datasources unfortunately.
However, your report that XESame hangs and is not providing updates is a bug that I should look into (during the summer months I'm afraid) Thanks for reporting!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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