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Import YAWL specification
In Prom 6.5.1a, using import plugin YAWL specification, when I import a .yawl file, created using the YAWL Editor (3.0.1 or 4.0), I receive the error "Engine File Loading Error".
Any guidance would be welcome. Thanks - Ian
Any guidance would be welcome. Thanks - Ian
Dear Ian,
Can you verify that you can load the file correctly in the YAWL editor?
If yes, could you run ProM from the command line and place the full error message here?
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos - thanks for your reply.
Yes, the file will load correctly in the YAWL editor (it was created by the editor).
When I run Prom from the command line, the Prom pop up error message now reads "Engine File Loading Error" - "Specification file failed to validate YAWL Schema. Discarding this file".
Here is the test script:
System.out.println("Loading");File yawl = new File("wm-flat.yawl");System.out.println("Importing");yawl_specification(yawl);System.out.println("Done");Below is the error log:C:\Users\imc\prom-6.5.1>java -da -Xmx1G -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -classpath ProM651.jar -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true org.processmining.contexts.cli.CLI -f scriptTest.txt>>> All dependencies have been resolved>>> All dependencies have been resolvedStarting script execution engine...[-f, scriptTest.txt]initializing all pluginsLoadingImporting<failure>No records for specification ' - version 0.0'.</failure><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><log xes.version="1.0" xes.features="arbitrary-depth" openxes.version="1.5" xmlns=""><!-- Generated by the YAWL Resource Service 2016.04.26 13:01:43 --><extension name="Lifecycle" prefix="lifecycle" uri=""/><extension name="Time" prefix="time" uri=""/><extension name="Concept" prefix="concept" uri=""/><extension name="Semantic" prefix="semantic" uri=""/><extension name="Organizational" prefix="org" uri=""/><global scope="trace"><string key="concept:name" value="UNKNOWN"/></global><global scope="event"><date key="time:timestamp" value="1970-01-01T00:00:00.000+01:00"/><string key="concept:name" value="UNKNOWN"/><string key="lifecycle:transition" value="UNKNOWN"/><string key="concept:instance" value="UNKNOWN"/></global><classifier name="Activity classifier" keys="concept:name concept:instance lifecycle:transition"/><string key="concept:name" value=" - version 0.0"/></log>Exception when writing Engine logException when writing Engine logException when writing Engine log
Thanks - Ian -
Dear Ian,
My guess is that this is a version problem. ProM uses version 2.3.5 of the YAWL Editor to import yawl files. It seems that this (older) version of the Editor chokes on the piece of text ' - version 0.0'.
I do not know versions 3.0.1 or 4.0 of the Editor by heart, but do they include an option to export to an older format (like 2.3.5)? That may help.
Otherwise, we should consider upgrading the Editor in ProM.
Kind regards,
Dear Eric,
Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately there is no export feature (that I can see) in these versions of the YAWL editor.
I was trying this in the context of the simulation tutorial - - which does refer to older versions.
Thanks - Ian -
I have got a similar issue using prom 6.6. I have tried to upload a simple YAWL spec created with YAWL Editor 4.1 and it has returned "Specification file falied to validate against YAWL Schema. Discarding this file" (top of error log below). There is no way of saving a YAWL spec in an older version format. Would it be possible to update the components to work with the latest YAWL release?
Start plug-in YAWL specification
Wrapped exception JAR entry org/processmining/yawl/ext/org/eclipse/xsd/cache/ not found in /home/ahense/.ProM66/packages/yawl-6.5.44/lib/YAWLEditor2.3.5.wo.jgraph.jar
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