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Question concerning „significance and correlation between activities”
Dear all,
I have following question regarding the shown picture and the shown „significance and correlation between activities”
I do not fully understand the „significance and correlation" with a activity itself (e.g. the 2nd activity "Suche nach Immobilie complete" have 0,039 significance and 0,925 correlation???????? what does this mean????
FYI: I read also the following paper in this context:
But I don´t find a answer to my question.
Dear Jesko,
Thanks for your question and welcome on the forum!
An arrow from an activity to itself means that the activity was repeated, e.g. 2 (or more times) in a row observed.
For more details on the metrics you could read the PhD thesis of Christian Gunther, although I think the article you mention already explains it.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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