How to export Fuzzy Animation as an avi file?
Expected behaviour: Export to disk of fuzzy animation as an avi file
Actual: When "export to disk" is selected, there is no file-type in the dropdown, and no file is saved
Steps to recreate:
1. create a fuzzy animation in ProM
2. On the workspace screen, select the fuzzy animation object
3. Click the "export to disk"
4. Fill in the file save popup box
5. Obswerve no "avi" or other exportable animation type in the dropdown selection
6. Observe that file fails to save
ProM v6.4.1
Windows 7 Enterprise SP 1
Intel 64 bit i5-2520M CPU 2.5 GHz
4 GB RAM -
Dear mloxton,
Exporting the fuzzy animation is not possible at the moment, I'm sorry.
I agree that GUI of ProM is a bit msleading here, as allowing the Export button suggests that an export is indeed available. However, as the empty list shows, no such exporters exists yet.
Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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