Solved - DSN architecture missmatch between the driver and the application
This is for anyone who receive this message, probably trying to connect XESame to a csv/database for the first time
I got this error and got mad at it. So I post the solution I found.
When talking about an architecture missmatch it is referring to the 32/64 bits architecture. You must check your database and your XESame versions are both 32/64 bits, and that the ODBC driver you are using is, too. All 32 or all 64 bits.
In my case I was trying to use the example csv from My Windows was x64, so I used a x64 bits driver. However I think my XESaame version was x32. I solved this by unistalling ProM and downloading the most recent version of 64 bits.
Hope this helps someone
Eager to give something to the community.
Carlos De Las Heras Peña
Thank you Carlos! I'm sure this helps others!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Carlos and Buijs
I have faced the same error, I've installed 64bit ProM6.5.1 my Windows is also x64, but as mentioned in the instruction named "Running the XESame examples" I used the odbc32.exe
I tried to use odbc64.exe but faced this message in its window: the driver of this User DSN only has a 32-bit version available.
what should I do now?? could you help me pleas?
Dear everybody
I've solved the problem right now by installing a 32bit version of microsoft access runtim.
sorry! I installed a64bit version
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