XESame orderDemo .xes generation is not correct
I downloaded the XeSame examples and followed the tutorial. After I load the Order_demo.mapping, I can run the converstion without errors. The problem is that the "OrderLine_Details" doesn't have any data. According to the sample at orderDemo/eventlogs/eventlog.xes, the correct output should be:
<string key="OrderLine_Details" value="EMPTY"><string key="TotalAmount" value="99.9800"/> <string key="Description" value="John Denver's life Album (15 CD premium pack)"/> <string key="Quantity" value="1"/> <string key="Price" value="99.9800"/> </string>
But what I get from conversion is just:
<string key="OrderLine_Details" value="EMPTY"/>
Can anyone help me about this problem? Thanks a lot.
Dear Bingnan,
I checked and both the data and the mapping contain this attribute (definition), so I'm not sure if you changed anything in the data or mapping...
Unfortunately I cannot run the mapping at this moment since I'm travelling so I can't replicate now.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
It seems there are some problems in the lib files. I updated these files and the problem is solved. Thanks.
Howdy, Stranger!
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