Performance analysis in ProM
ProM 6 certainly has! When you search the plug-ins for 'performance', you can run the "compute alignment for conformance/performance projection", and then in the visualization at the visualizer dropdown box, choose the performance projection, or performance matrix visualization.
Hope this helps!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks, however I cannot find the plugin "Compute alignment for conformance/performance projection" in ProM. Also my Not installed tab in the Package Manager is empty so I assume that I have all packages installed that are available. However, when starting ProM the are some errors logged in the command prompt:
Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.tracealignment.TraceAlignmentConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.models.connections.fuzzymodel.FuzzyModelConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.models.connections.fuzzymodeladapted.FuzzyModelAdaptedConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.log.metrics.plugins.DummyCompletenessMetric could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.log.metrics.plugins.DummyComplexityMetric could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.petrinet.replayfitness.ReplayFitnessConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.ilpminer.netproperties.NetPropertiesConnection could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.causalnet.miner.FlexibleHeuristicsMinerPlugin could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.Method public void org.processmining.plugins.xpdl.exporting.XpdlExportNet.exportXPDLtoFile(org.processmining.contexts.cli.CLIPluginContext,org.processmining.models.graphbased.directed.bpmn.BPMNDiagramExt, throws could not be added as a plugin. The context should be asked as first parameter and should be a the same, or a superclass of org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UIPluginContext.Plugin class org.processmining.plugins.causalnet.miner.FlexibleHeuristicsMinerPlugin could not be added as a plugin. At least one variant has to be specified.
Guessing that some of these errors might be causing me to not find the mentioned plugin?
Dear Fordanic,
The errors that are logged are caused by some plug-ins that do not follow the contract, these can be ignored.
The correct name of the plug-in should be "Replay a Log on Petri Net for "
(Sorry for the late reply, I only just noticed it was saved as a draft... Hope it is still relevant)
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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