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DecisionPointAnalysis - porting to ProM6
I am currently working on my graduation project and trying to port the DecisionPointAnalysis plugin from ProM5.2 to ProM6, then enhance it by using additional classifiers (besides J48) and compare their results. I've downloaded the P5.2 source code and managed to understand the source code behind the plugin, and I observed that there are three key things which differ in the two versions:
1) the Petrinets - they have different implementations
2) HLProcessModel - which is developed in P5.2 on top of Petrinet classes, and used extensively throughout the plugin!
3) the Logs - P5.2 uses a quite simple log package (defined in org.processmining.framework.log.*) which is nowhere to be found in P6, which uses the XLog.
My questions are:
1. Is there an implementation of the HLProcessModel (org.processmining.framework.models.hlprocess) in the new version? I have tried to import the original one, but is too dependent on others objects specific to P5.2
2. The XLog is the "official" logging mechanism in ProM6? or I can use the good old logs handlers from P5.2?
Thank you in advance!
Best regards, Daniel.
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