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conversion plug in to ProM 6
i'm currently working on an assignment to convert the basic performance analysis plug to be compatible with ProM 6. But i'm really struggling to get started with the conversion, is there anyone who knows what are the main things that need to be changed to convert a plug in from ProM 5 to ProM 6 or a good plug in that is converted which i can use as an example.
Kind regards, Vincent
Hi,I'm doing the same thing now, with another plugin. From what I've experienced so far, there are a lot of things to be changed to the UI and also the result visualization. Also watch out for those classes that are directly dependent to the UI (displaying messages, reading settings etc), they can cause a lot of trouble because those dependencies.As examples you can use any plugin that is present both in ProM 5 and 6 (AlphaMiner, HeuristicMiner etc) and compare them.Best of luck!Daniel.
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