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XESame 1.2 failed converting CSV into XES
Hi all,
I'm trying to use XESame. I download, extract it and add one column to file events.csv in folder multipleTableCSV/data.
I add column UserGroup, so events.csv content is like:
1;Create;1-1-2009 10:00;Start;1;Purchase
1;Create;1-1-2009 11:00;Complete;1;Purchase
2;Create;1-1-2009 11:00;Start;1;Purchase
Then I start XESame, add ODBC connection, add mapping and execute conversion of events.csv into XES.
Unfortunately I failed and got this error:
2012-12-05 13:24:54: (PROGRESS) Starting step 1 of 5: initialization.
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (PROGRESS) Starting step 2 of 5: Extracting log info.
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Log:
SELECT 'TestCoba123' AS [concept_name] FROM events.csv AS coba123
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (PROGRESS) Starting step 3 of 5: Extracting traces.
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Trace:
SELECT DISTINCT orderid AS [traceID], 'TestCoba123' AS [concept_name] FROM events.csv as coba123
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (ERROR) There is an error in the query (turn on 'debug' mode to see it) to fetch the information for Trace. Please make sure that the query syntax is valid for the source database.
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (ERROR) [Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
2012-12-05 13:24:57: (WARNING) Cancelling execution! Just after running the query.
2012-12-05 13:24:58: (NOTICE) Execution safely terminated
Do you have any resolution to the problem above?
Any idea how to successfully convert events.csv into XES ?
Thank you.
problem solved. I'm sorry I forgot to put parameter "from" in event attribute.
Howdy, Stranger!
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