Multiple Values for EventOrder
I've got a problem concerning the EventOrder Attribute. XESAME seems only to support one value for this Attribute. But in fact I need two values for this attribute. My problem ist that only the combination of 2 attributes identifies the correct order of the events. Therefore I need to define something like "order by a, b". After executing a mapping with 2 values in EventOrder it doesn´t finish anymore. It stays in Step 4 creating a trace. I need to close the whole application to continue.
So is there any solution fo rmy problem?
kind regards,
Hi Antje,
You could concatenate the values, for instance by filling in ' a & "-" & b ' to create the order string 'a-b'.
Hope this helps.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
yes, I had the same idea. But unfortunately that doesn´t work.
For instance I've got 2 concatenated values:
Value A: "5.02.2002 14:21:07 16"
Value B: "5.02.2002 14:21:07 5"
If I order the eventlog by these values, B always comes after A. But in fact it happened before A.
Anyway as a workaround I`ve created a new database table with a order sequence. This solved my problem so far. But I would be really happy, if there will be any functionality in future to support 2 order attributes.
kind regards,
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