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Some question about SplitMiner source code.
I was recently digging into the source code of SplitMiner and got stuck on the generate RPST BottomUpHierarchy step within the JOIN-Gateway Discovery step. The source code I have questions about is as follows. The irrelevant code has been hidden. Here I only show what I don’t understand:
- Look at the first red box, But I really can't understand why the Rigid SESE should be analyzed together with the Bond case.
- Loop at the Second red box. Why define Loop list? Both SplitMiner's paper and RPST's Paper does not define a loop SESE. Why does the code determine that when the entry of a SESE is not a gateway but the exit is a gateway, the SESE is a Loop? What’s so subtle about this design? How should I understand this code design and Data Structure design idea? I really can't connect the code to the idea of the paper.If anyone can help me I would be very grateful!These questions have really bothered me for a long time. I seem to be stuck in a mental dilemma.
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