Inductive Visual Miner is not responding
When I tried to use Inductive Visual Miner to run the sample order_process_demo data, the application is not responding. I waited for 1 hour and it still not responding. In the shell console the log shows as below and no more log was printing.
Please help to check how to make the visualization work. Thanks.
Dear Travis,
Which version of ProM are you using, and on which OS?
Kind regards, Eric.
I am on Macbook intel version and using ProM 6.13-all-platforms package. The JDK version is 1.8.0_351.
Dear Travis,.
I was fearing for the MacOS answer.
We do not support ProM anymore on MacOS because some parts, like the Inductive visual Miner, stopped working. As per MacOS Catalina, MacOS stopped the support for 32-bits libraries. This is unfortunate for ProM, as for some parts it relies on such a 32-bit library. For Windows and Linux, we have both 32-bits and 64-bits versions of that library, but for MacOS we only have a 32-bits version :-(.
Note that there is no use to download and install an earlier version of ProM, for which we still offered a bundle for MacOS. The bundle can be installed and run, but the 32-bit library is needed there as well.
Kind regards, Eric.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for the quick response. I will try the tool on a Windows environment.
Best Regards
Howdy, Stranger!
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