I want to learn the source code of the plug-in.
Hi,You check the code out in Eclipse. For example, you can check out the source code for the PetriNets package from https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/prom/Packages/PetriNets/Trunk, modify these source codes in Eclipse, and then run ProM with the changed source codes using the package's ProM launch file.
The PetriNets package contains only plugins related to Petri nets. If you want to change the source code of some other plugin, you need to check the package out that contains that plugin. You can simply replace "PetriNets" in the package URL with the package name. A full overview of plugins and in which package they are contained can be found on https://svn.win.tue.nl/trac/prom/wiki/ProM610/Plugins and https://svn.win.tue.nl/trac/prom/wiki/ProM610/Variants.
Kind regards,
hverbeek said:Hi,You check the code out in Eclipse. For example, you can check out the source code for the PetriNets package from https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/prom/Packages/PetriNets/Trunk, modify these source codes in Eclipse, and then run ProM with the changed source codes using the package's ProM launch file.
The PetriNets package contains only plugins related to Petri nets. If you want to change the source code of some other plugin, you need to check the package out that contains that plugin. You can simply replace "PetriNets" in the package URL with the package name. A full overview of plugins and in which package they are contained can be found on https://svn.win.tue.nl/trac/prom/wiki/ProM610/Plugins and https://svn.win.tue.nl/trac/prom/wiki/ProM610/Variants.
Kind regards,
- In Eclipse, make sure you have an SVN client installed, like Subclipse.
- In Eclipse, Select File / New / Project.
- Select SVN / Checkout Projects from SVN and select Next >.
- If necessary, create a new repository location: https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/prom.
- Select this location and select Next >
- Select Packages / MultiPerspecitveProcessExplorer / Trunk and select Finish.
Kind regards,Eric. -
hverbeek said:Hi,
- In Eclipse, make sure you have an SVN client installed, like Subclipse.
- In Eclipse, Select File / New / Project.
- Select SVN / Checkout Projects from SVN and select Next >.
- If necessary, create a new repository location: https://svn.win.tue.nl/repos/prom.
- Select this location and select Next >
- Select Packages / MultiPerspecitveProcessExplorer / Trunk and select Finish.
Kind regards,Eric.
Hi,Yes, all packages can indeed be found in that repository. Just replace MultiPerspectiveProcessExplorer in the steps mentioned above with the name of the package you want.Kind regards,Eric.
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