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Call alignment-based conformance checking plugin programmatically
Hi all,
I am developing a plugin that will automate the execution of discovery algorithms and conformance checking on multiple event logs for my master thesis. I would like to know how to call the conformance checking plugin, for example the Petri Net Replayer by Adriansyah. I am aware that I need to pass two inputs, namely the log and the Petri Net, as well as set the configuration parameters, but I cannot find any examples on what are the correct methods to call that will return the trace fitness and the other global statistics and how exactly I would call them.
Thank you,
I am developing a plugin that will automate the execution of discovery algorithms and conformance checking on multiple event logs for my master thesis. I would like to know how to call the conformance checking plugin, for example the Petri Net Replayer by Adriansyah. I am aware that I need to pass two inputs, namely the log and the Petri Net, as well as set the configuration parameters, but I cannot find any examples on what are the correct methods to call that will return the trace fitness and the other global statistics and how exactly I would call them.
Thank you,
Hi Nina,Perhaps it is worthwhile for you to have a look at This algorithm takes an array of event logs and an array (of same length) accepting Petri nets and calls the replayer on every logs[i] and nets[i]. (An accepting Petri net is just a container for the Petri net, its initial marking, and its collection of final markings.) The main issue here is the creation of the correct cost mappings: if you forget to add something to these mappings, the replayer may throw a null pointer exception later on.Fitness information is stored in the getInfo() object of the replay result. See for some of the information that is stored here.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your answer. I cannot use the LogAlignment package as it does not fit my requirements, but it was helpful nonetheless.
Best regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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