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Download plugin from ProM sources
in ProM 6
does someone know, how to download ProM plugins from here: ? A plugin is not working, and I got the recommendation to download it from the source and run ProM from the source to have access to all exceptions.
It would be really nice, if someone could explain me how to download and run sources. If I save them, they are just saved as text document. I have installed Eclipse. Do I need it to run the sources?
Hi Lisa,Can you tell me which plugin is not working, and how you come to the conclusion that it is not working? Where does it fail your expectations? Perhaps there is no need to download its sources from the repository.In case you still want to do this:In Eclipse, you need to create a new project by checking out the appropriate package from the appropriate folder in the repository you mention. For example, you need to check out the Log package from the If in this URL you replace Log by another package name, you will be checking out the other package.Do you already have an SVN add-on installed in Eclipse? We typical use Subclipse, see Without such an add-on, you will not be able to check the package out from its URL.In Eclipse, you will also need to have the IvyDE add-on installed, see The ProM packages rely on IvyDE to resolve all dependencies with the ProM framework, other ProM packages, and external libraries.Please let me know if you have any questions and/or remarks.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,thank you so much for your fast reply!I am currently researching the topic of online process mining/ stream mining and want to use plugins from A. Burattin. However, I have three problems, I can't solve and therefore I thought it might help to download its sources. But if you have other recommendations for me, it would be great too.
- I can't find the ProM Plugin "Online Conformance" in ProM6.9 UITopia but have installed it in ProM Package Manager (and cleared the cache, uninstalled and reinstalled ProM6.9 with the batch file, but nothing worked). I also can't find the Plugins "Stream Collector tester" and "online declare miner".
- I also have another problem. When I want to use the plugin "Stream Miner" from A. Burattin, it works with a stream from PLG2 and I can see a Stream Miner Configuration in the ProM workspace. However, I can't use this Configuration any further. It can't be visualized and there are no plugins to use it as input.
- For the plugin "Log Streamer" the visualization does not work when I use it. The plugin can be started with an XLOG as input, but then only text is shown when I press the view-button.
Kind regards,Lisa
Hi Lisa,That would be the StreamConformance package, I guess. That package contains a number of "Online Conformance" plugins, like "Online Conformance - Local behavior" and "Online Conformance - Region-based approach". Unfortunately, this package is not available anymore in ProM, as it contained, among other things, an older version of the ProM framework. What may work is to download the latest version of the package from and to copy this into the ProM69_lib folder of your ProM ProM 6.9 installation. Then start ProM 6.9. The plugins should then be listed. I'm not sure whether they will work correctly, though. They may just depend on this old framework :-(.The other two issues are related to the StreamHeuristicsMiner package. Indeed, the visualizers in that package are currently disabled. I've enabled them, and created a new reelase for this package. You can download it from You should copy this version over the StreamHeuristicsMiner.jar file that is in the folder for the installed StreamHeuristcisMiner package. Typically, this would be in the .prom69/packages/StreamHeuristicsMiner folder in your home folder.Hope this helps you a bit.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,thank you again for your help!I was able to download and open the Online Conformance PlugIns now. However, I got this error message: (it's a link to a screenshot, I couldn't upload it directly here). Does that mean, it doesn't work with the new framework? Or could there be another problem? Is it possible to try it with an older version of ProM?For the Stream heuristic miner, I am not able to download the jar file. I was asked to register at Hudson, which I did. But I still get the message, that my user doesn't have permission to download the file. What can I do to download the jar file?Also, do I understand it correctly, that I have to delete the StreamHeuristicsMiner.jar file and instead insert the new file with the same name?Best regards,Lisa
Hi Lisa,I guess the plugins fails because of the missing libraries. These libraries contained an old version of the ProM framework, but also some other things. I'll contact the developer, Andrea Burattin, perhaps he can help.I've include a zip here with the jar file of the Stream Heuristics miner. I would rename the original StreamHeuristics.jar file to, say, StreamHeuristics.jar.orig, and then copy the new StreamHeuristics.jar file into the same folder. This way, you can always revert.Kind regards,Eric.
Hi Eric,thank you again for your help!I was able to download and open the Online Conformance PlugIns now. However, I got this error message: I uploaded a picture there, because I couldn't attach it directly here).I also copied the StreamHeuristicsMiner.jar file in my windows explorer like you explained. I don't have to do something in eclipse to get it to work correclty, do I? I just copied it in the folder and then started ProM (I run the batch file). The visualizer can now be opened, but it still shows nothing.I want to try to download the packages' sources from the repository with eclipse. I was able to open the folders in eclipse using the 2 plugins you mentioned. Do I now just have to run the Prom Package Manager.launch file and then the UITopia.launch file? I tried this, but got these error messages:When I run the package manager, I get the error message: "Package found in local repository, but not in global repository: NewPackageIvy-6.10.1". But the package manager opens.When I run the UITopia, I get the error message: "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
at org.processmining.framework.boot.Boot.boot(
at org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI.main(" and ProM doesn't open.Do you know if that's an general ProM/ eclipse problem, which can be solved easily?Also, you wrote, that it worked with an old framework of ProM. Can I just download the old version of the framework to try the specific plugins? Or will there be other problems?Best regards,Lisa
Hi Lisa,Andrea Burattin and I are working to get the StreamConformance package as a regular package in ProM. It should already be available now in the ProM Nightly Build, but we still need to test whether it works as before.In Eclipse, you could create a SVN project for the StreamConformance package, and run it from there. If you already have that project, you need to (SVN) update it.The InvocationTargetException hints that there is a versioning problem. The StreamConformance package indeed had version conflicts with some other packages, like Uma. You could try to uninstall the Uma package, and see whether it then works. The latest version of StreamConformance has no conflicts with Uma anymore.You can ignore the message on the NewPackageIvy.The ClassCastException is the result of you using Java 9 or better. Please see on how to fix this. If you are runnign ProM from a laucnh file in Eclipse, please add the "
" to the proper launch file (on line 21, most likely).Kind regards,Eric.
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