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I have the following sequence in my
Start Content Edit
Note Saved
New Note
Title Clicked
Title Clicked
Start Title Edit
Reminder Note Pressed
And the following image shows the part of my process model
Start Content Edit
Note Saved
New Note
Title Clicked
Title Clicked
Start Title Edit
Reminder Note Pressed
And the following image shows the part of my process model
I was expecting the Reminder Note Pressed to pass (ie Move on Model) after the Start Content Edit run and the Note Saved to run. However, after running Start Content Edit all Note Saved, New Note, Title Clicked, Title Clicked, Start Title Edit activities are considered as Move on log to reach and execute Reminder Note Pressed. Why is this happening?
thank you.
Dear,I think you are misinterpreting the data in the dialog. What the dialog says is that, for some traces, while there is a token in place p32 (the red place) there were move on logs needed for these six activities. These six activities are not necessarily in the same trace.Take, for example, the second activity (Note Saved). There is one trace in the log where after having done a Start Content Edit (either a synchronous move or a move on model), a move on log was needed for Note Saved. For the last activity (Title Clicked), there are actually three traces where this is needed, and in one traces it is needed twice.Kind regards,Eric.
Howdy, Stranger!
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