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trace clustering based on repeats
I've read in the paper of Bose and van der Aalst "Trace clustering based on conserved patterns towards achieving better process models" about the very interesting approach to cluster traces based on their repeats/repeat alphabets. But I couldn't find this clustering technique in ProM 5. So could you tell me, please, if there exists a plug-in which has implemented this clustering method?
Thank you very much!
Edit JBuijs: Moved to correct category
I've read in the paper of Bose and van der Aalst "Trace clustering based on conserved patterns towards achieving better process models" about the very interesting approach to cluster traces based on their repeats/repeat alphabets. But I couldn't find this clustering technique in ProM 5. So could you tell me, please, if there exists a plug-in which has implemented this clustering method?
Thank you very much!
Edit JBuijs: Moved to correct category
Hi Christian,
This has been implemented as the GuideTreeMiner plug-in in ProM 6.0 (please use the nightly build to get the latest version). You also have a vignette at ProM documentation repository on how to use the plug-in. I would recommend that you consider using ProM 6.0 as all our development now happens in ProM 6.0.
The GuideTreeMiner plugin also implements the context-aware approach to trace clustering ("R. P. J. C. Bose and Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Context-Aware Trace Clustering: Towards Improving Process Mining Results, SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM) 2009, 401-412).
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
Hi JC,
many thanks for your quick help (and the plug-in itself)!
Best regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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