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Working on existing packages
Hi all,
I'm a PhD student and I'm interested in developing some ProM plug_ins.
I have read the following pages and more including discussions.
I have checked out ProM from and successfully launched it with 'ProM with UITopia'. Also, I checked out the Framework/trunk folder, and created my HelloWorld-File in the src-plugin-folder and it worked.
However, when I checked out a package (I want to work on an existing package) say Alpha miner from, and launched it with 'ProM with UITopia (AlphaMiner)', an error occurred (Error: Could not find or load main class org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI)!
I have the same error with other packages. Also with the workshop from and Getting started from So, it looks like I'm doing the same mistake with the packages.
So, my question is how to start working on existing packages? Also how to use Getting started packages?
Many thanks for your efforts.
Kidn reagrds,
I'm a PhD student and I'm interested in developing some ProM plug_ins.
I have read the following pages and more including discussions.
I have checked out ProM from and successfully launched it with 'ProM with UITopia'. Also, I checked out the Framework/trunk folder, and created my HelloWorld-File in the src-plugin-folder and it worked.
However, when I checked out a package (I want to work on an existing package) say Alpha miner from, and launched it with 'ProM with UITopia (AlphaMiner)', an error occurred (Error: Could not find or load main class org.processmining.contexts.uitopia.UI)!
I have the same error with other packages. Also with the workshop from and Getting started from So, it looks like I'm doing the same mistake with the packages.
So, my question is how to start working on existing packages? Also how to use Getting started packages?
Many thanks for your efforts.
Kidn reagrds,
Dear Rawan,Do you have the IvyDE add-on installed in Eclipse? You need Ivy DE to resolve all dependencies and include all required libraries (which includes the ProM framework) into the project.Kind regards,
Eric. -
Dear Eric,
Many thanks for your prompt reply.
I really do not know how I missed this part. Now packages work correctly with me. Thanks again.
I want to work from an existing package so, I might come back with some questions.
Hi Eric,Sorry for such a question. But I can't find the variant guide for Eclipse 3.4 How to install IvyDE in Eclipse 3.4? I downloaded zip files from What's next?Thanks,Terry
Hi Terry,Did you already have a look at the Manual Install section on Although I've never did this before, it seems possible to copy the necessary files manually into the existing Eclipse folders.I've always used the update site, but I'm also not using Eclipse 3.4.Kind regards,
Howdy, Stranger!
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