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Varying Output of ProM-plugin
I am currently developing my own ProM-plugin. The Output should be Petri-nets, but the amount of Petrinets changes with the input. Is it possible to write a Plugin that varies with the Output, so that there might be for example 2 Petrinets or 4 Petrinets?
I already tried solving the problem with a Petrinetlist, but then I have just 1 object and i found no way to split this object to the petrinets again
Marcel Mutz
I already tried solving the problem with a Petrinetlist, but then I have just 1 object and i found no way to split this object to the petrinets again
Marcel Mutz
Hi Marcel,You could use an AcceptingPetriNetArray as output, That seems to satisfy your requirements. See the AcceptingPetriNet package for details.An accepting Petri net is just a Petri net with an explicit initial marking and an explicit collection of final markings. A Petri net can typically be converted into an accepting Petri net using a "Pack Petri net" plug-in, and an "Unpack Accepting Petri net" takes care of the other direction. The AcceptingPetriNetArray class comes with an importer/exporter file, and with a visualizer.Using a generic List (like List<Petrinet>) is not a good idea in ProM. You then need to create a specific class that subclasses a List<Petrinet>. Reason is that at run time the information on the generics (the <Petrinet> part) is not available. As a result, Java cannot distinguish a List<Petrinet> from a List<Marking>.Cheers,
Eric. -
Thanks for the fast reply, I used the AcceptingPetriNets and it worked perfectly!
Howdy, Stranger!
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