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run promtool with specific plugin from java application
hi, i'm newbie in process mining.
I have a java application which convert csv file to mxml file.
my problem is i want to run prom tool using my java application and the prom tool can automatically load my mxml file that i've already created and use some specific plugin.
Is there anyone who can solve my problem, or anyone who have already done with this case?
thank you before
sory for my bad english 

Hi cemproel,
Currently the best thing to do is to write your own Java class (main method) that does this for you and calls the plug-ins you need. You can run this main method from the command line or another java application.
Please see these links for more information:
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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