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Pattern Abstractions in a Single Trace
I'm having some trouble at the moment with defining a good start/end-event of traces in my event log since it is very fine-grained. What I would like to do is treat the event log as a single trace, and use the Pattern Abstractions-plugin to find and replace abstractions. Hopefully this will make it easier for me to define a start/end-event since the log will be stripped of unnecessary details.
However, the plugin doesn't find any repeats in the trace at all. I know for sure that there exist a lot of repeats (even single events that repeat x times). Is it necessary to have multiple traces and does my approach make sense?
Thanks for your help!
Best Answer
Dear Edgar,
Thanks for the question. There was a bug in the Pattern Abstractions Plug-in code when the log has only one trace. I have fixed it and it should work now. You can uncover patterns (if they exist) in the lone trace.
I have also released the updated plug-in. It takes a day for the changes to be reflected in the nightly-build release. However, if you are working on eclipse using the SVN code (and not the release), you can use it immediately.
Hi JC,Thank you for your response. The plugin used to work for me after your fix, but since the 6.2 update the plugin doesn't show up in ProM anymore!
I'm a beginner in proM. Now i reading proM tutorial "3.2 Mining Case-Related Information about a Process", but i can't find "Pattern Abstraction" plugin. Where i cant find it? Thax
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