error in converting csv format to xes
hello my dear friends,
I am trying to convert csv to xes format but I faced with bellow error.
2013-02-03 23:57:05: (PROGRESS) Starting step 1 of 5: initialization.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (PROGRESS) Starting step 2 of 5: Extracting log info.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Log:
SELECT 'Test' AS [concept_name] FROM FinalData.csv AS FinalData
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (PROGRESS) Starting step 3 of 5: Extracting traces.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Trace:
SELECT DISTINCT ID AS [traceID] FROM FinalData.csv AS FinalData
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (ERROR) There is an error in the query (turn on 'debug' mode to see it) to fetch the information for Trace. Please make sure that the query syntax is valid for the source database.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (ERROR) [Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (WARNING) Cancelling execution! Just after running the query.
2013-02-03 23:57:09: (NOTICE) Execution safely terminated
I thank my error is realeated to extracting events step. the filed header and defenition for create events is in attachement.
please help me that I can convert my data and solve problem.
The error is related to the query used to extracted the
traces. (SELECT DISTINCT ID AS [traceID] FROM FinalData.csv AS
I suspect the 'id' column but I'm not sure. You can
try different things, or if you have another way to query your
datasource (MS Acces or SquirrelSQL) then you can try to fix this issue.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
I cheked my Columns name in SquirrelSQL for find my field name on ODBC. in this section wasn't problem and the name of columns are equal. for implement your said, what I do? plesae further explane. How I fix the issue?
Dear Joos I am trying to solve my problem, please belp me.
my columns name in squrrielSQL seprate with ; but in Joos thesis the columns are discrete .
what I do that my csv db be correct? also I save my excel db with coma delimeited for csv format, I perform correct action? because I think my selection format is incorrect. please help..............!!!!
The problem you mention in your last post is not the problem here. The fact that XESame and SquirrelSQL are able to connect to your csv and show it as tables indicates that that part goes correctly.
Did you try renaming the column ID to something else in your csv and ODBC connection properties???
As I said, this might be a reserved word. Also update you XESame mapping.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Dear Joos,
I checked your said but I can't recive answer untile. I send for you mapping file and my data, please checks for me them.if you have time and don't say I am Doctorate student and I have othe resposibilities. you make this software and can answer to this problems that I face them. please answer because I need your help, you said that I must trying to learn the data conversion and I perform your said but now I can't solve my problem.
when I execute this mapping over DB, I get first error that I send in the first time in this post.
please help me Dear joos......
I can't upload file!!!!!!!!!!!! what is the matter? Dear joos, are you restrict my access in forum?????????????
Hi Sheda,
I would never restrict your access. We do have security limitations for certain types of files to prevent viruses from beeing spread.
I hate to say this but I will not convert the data. If you provide a good description of the issue and what you tried, I can reply.
Furthermore, if I fix your issue for you, other people with similar issues will send their data to me to fix. However, if we pinpoint what the problem is and provide a public explanation and answer here, other people will benefit by solving their issues quickly and efficiently.
So, from now on, don't ask me to do stuff. We are providing a free service, that means that you can not demand a personal helper or quick reply. It is all based on goodwill, and with your tone of voice, my goodwill will disappear at some point.
I'm willing to help, believe me, but if you act polite and put in some effort, I act polite and put in effort.
As I said, provide a clear description of your issue and what you tried.
Concretely: Did you change the column name ID to something else in the CSV file, the ODBC mapping definition and XESame? If yes, please post the results. If no, please do so!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos, I don't want you convert my data. I claimed from you to check my mapping file. I execute your examples thesis and I get answer and in next step I replace my data on your thesis data but the mapping don't work.
I can product event log with your thesis data but when I want produce event log with my data, I can't do it.
my columns name is same the data thesis sample cloumns name but I can't understand what is the problem!!!! for this reason I want you chekh my mapping file but you think I am impolite. no peroblem Mr Joos, I apologize for my said.
I check all of your said but my mapping dosen't work. the column name ID is equal in mapping file and csv file, I don't have missing parameters but I can't get answer.
I am very upset because I want to execute xesame tool on my data but I can't. I test every way that I think it can help to running the xesame on my data but all of them was useless!!!!!
thanks Dear Joos.
I use th example of XESame tools that solved in xesame thesis, and run it on my system. the event log created but when I replace my data with the sample data and considering to equal columns name, I get bellow error.I execute a true mapping file on my data that are same the column name with example.
Dose people can help me that I can solve my problem?
2013-02-03 23:57:05: (PROGRESS) Starting step 1 of 5: initialization.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (PROGRESS) Starting step 2 of 5: Extracting log info.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Log:
SELECT 'Test' AS [concept_name] FROM FinalData.csv AS FinalData
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (PROGRESS) Starting step 3 of 5: Extracting traces.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Trace:
SELECT DISTINCT ID AS [traceID] FROM FinalData.csv AS FinalData
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (ERROR) There is an error in the query (turn on 'debug' mode to see it) to fetch the information for Trace. Please make sure that the query syntax is valid for the source database.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (ERROR) [Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (WARNING) Cancelling execution! Just after running the query.
2013-02-03 23:57:09: (NOTICE) Execution safely terminated
thanks for your attention my friends. -
I use th example of XESame tools that solved in xesame thesis, and run it on my system. the event log created but when I replace my data with the sample data and considering to equal columns name, I get bellow error.I execute a true mapping file on my data that are same the column name with example.
Dose people can help me that I can solve my problem?
2013-02-03 23:57:05: (PROGRESS) Starting step 1 of 5: initialization.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (PROGRESS) Starting step 2 of 5: Extracting log info.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Log:
SELECT 'Test' AS [concept_name] FROM FinalData.csv AS FinalData
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (PROGRESS) Starting step 3 of 5: Extracting traces.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (DEBUG) We are about to run the following query to extract the items for Trace:
SELECT DISTINCT ID AS [traceID] FROM FinalData.csv AS FinalData
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (ERROR) There is an error in the query (turn on 'debug' mode to see it) to fetch the information for Trace. Please make sure that the query syntax is valid for the source database.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (ERROR) [Microsoft][ODBC Text Driver] Too few parameters. Expected 1.
2013-02-03 23:57:08: (WARNING) Cancelling execution! Just after running the query.
2013-02-03 23:57:09: (NOTICE) Execution safely terminated
thanks for your attention my friends. -
Hi Azaras,
Thank you for your addition, this helps in pinpointing the issue.
1. Did you keep the same column names as in the examples or also updated these?
2. Did you try to change the 'ID' name of the column to something else?
3. What does your data look like? Which columns do you have defined?
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,
My columns name in events table are UserID, Timestamp, EventType and OrderID sequential.
My columns name in users table are OrderID and EventName.
mapping file:
in log part: in attributes section the concept:name is 'Test' ,in properties section I write:
from events.csv AS events
in trace part: properties section is contain
from events.csv AS events
traceID OrderID
in created event part:attribute section is contain: concept:name users.eventname
lifecycle:transition eventtype, org:resource UserID and time:timestamp timestamp
properties section:
from events.csv AS events
traceID OrderID
Link users.csv AS users ON users.OrderID=events.OrderID
when I execute this mapping file I face mention error. also I check my DB with squrrielSQL over ODBC and my columns name is correct but the columns seprate with ; whereas your thesis DB in SqurrielSQL have discrete columns. you said this isn't problem!!!!
what I do that my data convert? what is my error that I can't get answer?
Dear Sheda,
The screenshots you attached in your last post clarify the issue clearly: the CSV file is not parsed correctly by your ODBC connection definition.
If you inspect the XESame example in SquirrelSQL you would see that you will have several columns, just as you would in Excel.
However, in your screenshot I see one column with a long name, consisting of the four column names (UserID to OrderID). The same happens for the values. However, you need the four different columns.
Please go to the ODBC connection settings and correct the settings such that it uses the ';' sign to split columns, which is what you use in your CSV file.
Please refer to online documentation regarding Windows ODBC connections for further information on how to correct the settings.
Then check with SquirrelSQL if you see the four columns separated. Then you can tell XESame which columns to use.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos, your said was correct!!!! I said this mater befor in 3th post. I can success Dr joos and I hope for you health in all of your age. you terminate the incubus about my thesis.
thanks for your helping Dear Joos,
Good Luck.
Dear Sheda,
I'm glad to hear that you got it to work!!!
Good luck with your thesis, please let me/us know where to read it when it's finished.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos,
I search in interenet but I decision making that review your sample and I find the schema file in your sample.
I use it and change coresponding my data.
Good Luck
Howdy, Stranger!
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