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[ProM-developers] Question on PromImport "General Csv file" plug-in

edited October 2010 in - ProMimport
On behalf of James Huang, sent to the ProM developer mailing list on 19-10-2010 4:57 (GMT+1):


I have a question on ProMImport "General Csv file" plug-in.

Pls see the attached file, what should we put in "Case ID", "Task ID"
and etc. to make it work? I found it parsing the file endlessly with the wrong input.

Thanks for your help!

Joos Buijs

Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology


  • Reply of Wil van der Aalst:

    Dear James,

    Minseok Song implemented the "General csv file" plug-in in ProMImport. His answer may be relevant for others on this list:

    "In the ProM Importer, you have to use the name of columns.

    Thus, "Case ID" is "caseID" and "Task ID" is "taskID". "Originator" is "user" and "End Time" is "timestamp"
    Since your time stamp doesn't have seconds, "Date Format" should be "D:M:Y H:M".

    In your data file, you have to change the format of timestamp. Instead of "/", you have to use"-". e.g. "11/9/2010 1:00" --> "11-9-2010 1:10"."

    (2) Note that the NITRO tool by fluxicon makes such translations much easier. The interactive user interface shows a preview of the resulting event log and it can deal with all kinds of time formats. Moreover, NITRO makes a first "guess" when loading a CSV file. NITRO generates both the new XES format and MXML. See

    Cheers, Wil.
    Joos Buijs

    Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
    Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Dear Wil,

    I agree, Nitro is infinitely easier to use than the General csv file plug-in, but I have more than 10,000 events and don't want to pay for the better version of Nitro.  My issue with General csv file is that my events only have one time, not a start time and end time, but General csv file seems to force the event to have both, and they show up in the petri nets.  Is there a way to get around that using General csv file?

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