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Semantic Log Enricher
Hi all,
There seem to have existed a plugin called "Semantic Log Enricher" with ProM 5.2 as mentioned in [1]. Unfortunately, I can neither find this plugin with ProM 5.2 or in the ip-super's website. Could someone help me find this plugin?
Funny, I just have stumbled upon the same article and was looking for that plugin as well.Please let me know when you have found out more about it by now!Thanks!
Hi,I wasn't able to find much about it. It seemed to be a part of the ip-super project, but the plugin was not included within any ProM packages I guess. The authors were reluctant to disclose anything, when I contacted them
Sorry, I forgot to mention, if you want to take a look at other plugins such as "Semantic organizational miner", you can find them in within ProM 5.2 source
Thank you! I already found out how to annotate my log with default ontologies and I can extract a (surprisingly good) wsml ontology for the role hierarchy with the role hierarchy miner. However, integrating that hierarchy into the log file seems like a tedious job
Howdy, Stranger!
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