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Tutorial to Guide Tree Miner plug in
Could you please send me link to Guide Tree Miner plugin? As I made a tree but I don't understand what it shows? What does Level x Node y mean? What about colours (pink or blue)?
Moreover is there a one place where I can find tutorials regarding all plugins?
Thanks in advance for your help,

Hi Ewelina,
The tutorial to the guide tree miner plugin is available as a vignette at the ProM documentation repository.
A brief reply to your specific question is as follows:
Since guide tree miner uses the agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) algorithm, the tree output shows the hierarchy of nodes resulting from the AHC. Pink nodes correspond to the 'k' cluster nodes (where k is the number of clusters chosen by the user during the configuration). Leaves correspond to the individual traces. All leafs under the sub-tree of a pink node belongs to that cluster. Blue colored nodes are non-leaf nodes that are expanded up to two levels deep.
The documentation for most plugsin is available at the ProM documentation repository.
Hope this helps.
Kind Regards,
Dear JCWhere can I find the documentation repository you have mentioned above??Is it in the process mining org. website or somewhere else??Kindly notice that I am interested in understanding the output of plugins rather that the the development, so that the package repository could not help me..Regards,Nour
Hi Nour,
I think that JC is referring to
And then choose the 'GuideTreeMiner' folder which contains a .swf file that you can download and open in a browser.
Let us know if this works!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Hi Joos,thanks for your answer..I tried downloading the .swf file as you mentioned, but it is not workingWhenever I press the open button, the internet explorer opens and then I get the dialog box again with the open and save button.. This is repeated again and again.I also try opening the file from the folder where it is located directly, but again the same you have an idea about this?? or you know another way to open the file??Regards,Nour
Hi Nour,
You might want to try downloading all three files (.html, .js, and .swf) into the same folder on your computer. Then open the html file with for instance internet explorer.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks Joos..It is workingNour
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