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converting .csv log into .XES using XESame (a simple how (without reference to thesis pdf))
I have used proM 2 years ago and used MXML. At that time, I wrote an application to create the MXML.
I would like to use the XESame tool this time.
My data looks like this:
13513513,NA,"C129001",NA,"C127043","Dextrose Oral Solution 75 grams per 300 ml (CC, Pharmacy)",NA,NA,"C113092"
so Patient_Num is caseID and Preferred_Name is action. And there is of course timestamp info.
I read briefly the thesis (as help for XESame) but did not find a simple way how to specify a mydata.CSV as source of data.
Could you please provide a simple high level overview how this could be achieved with XESame? (is it possible??)
It is nice to see new version of ProM, new log standard and a new log-conversion tool.... I am a big fan of process mining.
(it also means new stuff to master... :-( )
I would like to use the XESame tool this time.
My data looks like this:
13513513,NA,"C129001",NA,"C127043","Dextrose Oral Solution 75 grams per 300 ml (CC, Pharmacy)",NA,NA,"C113092"
so Patient_Num is caseID and Preferred_Name is action. And there is of course timestamp info.
I read briefly the thesis (as help for XESame) but did not find a simple way how to specify a mydata.CSV as source of data.
Could you please provide a simple high level overview how this could be achieved with XESame? (is it possible??)
It is nice to see new version of ProM, new log standard and a new log-conversion tool.... I am a big fan of process mining.
(it also means new stuff to master... :-( )
Hi Sakaton,
Welcome on the forum
And sorry for my late response, I took a couple of days of.
It is possible to do this with XESame. First you need to make an ODBC connection to your CSV file, this is provided by default in Windows. Then connect XESame to this ODBC connection using the JDBC-ODBC bridge that is entered by default. Then you're free to start your mapping definition!
You can use the examples provided on the website for more information since they both use a similar construction.
Let me know if it works!!!
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Thanks, I found out about Nitro as well.
I will try this also, since I need to do it 41 times.
Ideally I would want to script it somehow (and even with mining in ProM). I need to see if there is an API for XESame and API for ProM
For XESame there is not a real API but there are some public methods that you can use to build or load a mapping and execute it. Please have a browse through the XESame code.
ProM has an API for calling other plugins and obtaining the provided results within Java code. I believe that this is covered in the ProM developer tutorials.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology
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