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ProM6.1 doesn't launch with plugin Transitionsystems
Dear Bart Smeets,
Pelase op the file packages.xml in your .ProM61/packages folder, and look for the following lines:
<package name="TransitionSystems" version="6.1.62" os="all" url="" desc="Transition Systems" org="Eindhoven University of Technology" auto="false" hasPlugins="true" license="LGPL" author="H.M.W. Verbeek" maintainer="H.M.W. Verbeek" logo="">
<dependency name="Log" />
<dependency name="Animation" />
<dependency name="OSService" />
These lines state that the TransitionSystems apcakge depends on the Log, Animation, and OSService package. Please add a dependency to the OperationalSupport package as well. Please be aware that this fragment occurs twice in the file, please change them both.
As far as I can tell, in your case ProM tries to load the Transition Systems miner before it has loaded the OperationalSupport package, which fails as there smees to be some dependency (sorry for that).
Howdy, Stranger!
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