Memory Configuration Update for ProM 6.13 After Hardware Upgrade
I have a question regarding the memory configuration issue with ProM 6.13. When I installed ProM 6.13, my computer had 16GB of memory. However, I have now upgraded my computer's memory to 32GB. But during the process of running plugins, I noticed that ProM still only utilizes 16GB of memory. How can I update ProM's configuration information so that it can make use of the updated 32GB of memory?
This depends on how you start ProM 6.13. Basically, there are two options: Either you start ProM 6.13 using the ProM613.exe file (a splash screen will show), or by using the ProM613.bat file (no splash screen will show). In case of the former, you can set the amount of memory ProM is using bin the ProM613.l4j.ini file. This file contains a line like "-Xmx4G", which tells Java (and ProM) to use up to 4 GB of RAM. In case of the latter, you can set this amount in the ProM613.bat file (please look for the -Xmx option here as well).
Kind regards, Eric.
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