A question about repositories in github
Dear process mining community,
Do you have the repositories of “MultiplePerspectiveProcessExplorer” and “DataAwareExplorer” ?I want to study and modify the contents of these two packages, but I couldn't find their source packages on the Repositories · GitHub. I only found their jar packages on Releases/Packages at main · promworkbench/Releases · GitHub. However, jar packages cannot be modified internally. So, Can you help me to upload the repositories of these two packages on GitHub?
Thank you very much!!
These packages have now been added to GitHub, see https://github.com/promworkbench/MultiPerspectiveProcessExplorer and https://github.com/promworkbench/DataAwareExplorer.
Kind regards, Eric.
😊Thank you very much!
Best wishes to you~
Howdy, Stranger!
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