Cannot import pnml file
Dear Community,
I tried to import a .pnml file into Prom 6.13 but it doesn't work. I always get a Java NullPointer Exception.
It doesn't matter which import plugin I select, it always throws an exception.
How can I import pnml files successfully in order to analyze them with ProM 6.13?
Best regards
Best Answer
Hi Thomas,
The problem is caused by the fact that your PNML file contains empty inscriptions for arcs. Like follows:
<arc id="arc0" source="p1" target="B"> <graphics/> <inscription/> </arc>
As far as we know, an arc inscription should have a text. Replacing every instance of
does the trick. The alternative is to remove all these empty inscriptions.
Kind regards, Eric.
Hi Thomas,
Would it be able for you so share the PNML file that you are trying to import?
Many thanks in advance,
Hi Eric,
Many thanks for your help.
I've attached the pnml file, or at least the content of it as I am not allowed to upload .pnml files.
I hope this helps.
Best regards
Dear Eric,
Now it works. Thanks a lot!
Best regards
Howdy, Stranger!
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