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Question about outputting activity information with sequence
Hi,No, there are no plugins that assume Eclipse to be present. Note that although ProM can run using Eclipse in the development phase, any ProM release is a standalone tool and does not need Eclipse.Kind regards,Eric.
Okay, thank you very much. In addition, what storage method is used to store the order of activities in a specific plug-in? I want to have a look at the Console directly through the "System.out.println()" output sequence of activities. I took a look at the Alpha algorithm. Is the sequence of activities stored in classes such as Pair and Triple?
Hi,This order may depend on the specific plugin, but may also change over multiple instances of ProM. It is quite possible that the activities are stored by the plugin in a HashSet, which means that they are iterated in some arbitrary order, and that the next time you run ProM the order may be different.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you for your answer, but I was thinking that if the activities exist in the HashSet in an unordered state, how can the activities be in order when the flow chart is output? Where did the sequence diagram (such as PetriNet) read data that can present an ordered state?
Hi,If needed, the plugin could use a TreeSet instead, which sorts the activities on their names. Or something like that. If the order is important, the plugin should make sure that the names are ordered in the correct way. But the order may be not important for the plugin, in which case the order of the activities may be arbitrary.Kind regards,Eric.
thanks. I would like to ask further. We want to explore how this flow chart is generated. Now we have the data of these nodes, and then we want to find another structure to store the sequence, and then these two can be combined to generate this flow chart. Now I mainly don't know this How is the sequence stored, or whether our flowchart has a form of representation in the form of a file, such as an XML file, which can directly generate a graph by reading the text.
Kind regards.
Hi,Now I'm getting lost. What is your flowchart exactly? Is this a Petri net (the result of the Alpha algorithm)? And what do you mean with the sequence that you want to store?Note that all objects in ProM are stored in memory, not in files. To export an object to a file, you need to use an export plugin. Petri nets are stored in memory using the Petrinet class, which is defined in the PetriNets package (see regards,Eric.
ok i got it, thanks for your answer.
Kind regards.
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