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Hi friends ,
I saw this topic :
I like to know what ETConformance is and how it works .please introduce a reference about it .
Thanks alot
I saw this topic :
I like to know what ETConformance is and how it works .please introduce a reference about it .
Thanks alot
I found it
Dear Mousavi,
First of all, please ask your questions in that topic so that we have the complete discussion on ETConformance (in this case) in one topic. This makes it easier for future guests to find answers to their questions.
Furthermore, could you share the reference you found? Others might find it useful too.
Joos Buijs
Senior Data Scientist and process mining expert at APG (Dutch pension fund executor).
Previously Assistant Professor in Process Mining at Eindhoven University of Technology -
Dear Joos Buijs,
That's right ." A fresh look at Precision in Process Conformance" ( ) is the paper that you can read to identify with ETConformance and also .I read them and I found them useful .
Dear Mousavi,
You may also want to look at:
Jorge Muñoz-Gama,
Josep Carmona:
Enhancing precision in Process Conformance: Stability, confidence and severity.
CIDM 2011: 184-191
Best Regards,
Hi JC,
I will study it
Thanks alot
Howdy, Stranger!
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