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ONLY KEEP ProM Log Files (Naive)
Hi,If you uninstall the XESLite and the XESStandardConnector packages (using the ProM Package Manager), some of the importers will not show anymore.Some alternatives to the naive importer may still remain, but these are contained in the same package as the naive importer. By removing those, you would also remove the naive importer.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you very much for your reply. If it is convenient, could you please tell me which package naive is in? Thanks!
Hi,The naive log importer is contained in the Log package. BTW, I would not recommend uninstalling this package, as it will uninstall many others as well.Kind regards,Eric.
Okay, thank you very much!
I imported the Log package, which package in the Log package is this plug-in in?
HI,Please see the OpenNaiveLogFilePlugin class in the org.processmining.plugins.log package.Kind regards,Eric.
ok, thanks a lot!
Then how could I set naive as the first default option?
Hi,The only way to do this would be to disable all others.
ProM does remember the last importer you have used for files with a certain extension. If you have imported the last .xes file using the naive importer, then it will pre-select this importer for you next time you import a .xes file.
Kind regards,Eric. -
how could i disable all others? Kind regards
Hi,Which others do you still have? The XESLite importers can be removed by uninstalling the XESLite package. The IEEE importers can be removed by uninstalling the XESStandardConnector package.Kind regards,Eric.
i have removed XESLite package, but still have: ProM log files (XESLite - MapDB(slow random access)), ProM log files (XESLite - In-Memory(slow random access)), ProM log files (XESLite - MapDB), ProM log files (XESLite - MapDB(no cache)), ProM log files (XESLite - Automaton(read only, concept:name only)), ProM log files (XESLite - Sequential XIDs) and Import XEvent Classifiers list from event log. Thank you very much for your kind help!
Hi,These XESLite plugins are from the XESLite package. Somehow, you seem to still have this package in your landscape. How do you run ProM? From Eclipse?You can disable some of these importers by changing a line in the corresponding ProM.ini file. If you edit this file using your favorite text editor, and go to the line where PLUGIN_LEVEL_THRESHOLD is defined, then please change this line to:
This will disable most of the importers that are less-often used.Kind regards,Eric.
yes, i use eclipse to run ProM. i have removed XESLite by run ProM Package Manager, do I need to do anything else to remove it? i tried the method that edit the ProM.ini, but i cannot find the line where PLUGIN_LEVEL_THRESHOLD is defined, and the computer warned me that I cannot modify this file. Looking forward to your reply, thank you
Hi,Are you running ProM from an existing Eclipse project for some ProM package, or did you build your own project in Eclipse. In case of the former, you could check whether the package has a dependency on the XESLite package, see the ivy.xml file for these dependencies. Also, it may help if you can tell me the name of ProM package you are using. Note that these dependencies may be transitive: If your project depends on package A and package A depends on package B, then your project also depends on B.Kind regards,Eric.
I developed a project by myself, and my project introduced many dependencies, including BPMN, PetriNets, InductiveMinerDeprecated, and so on. I don’t know if it’s the reason?
Hi,My guess is that one of these packages you depend on has a (transitive) dependency on XESLite. Ivy will then make sure the XESLite package is in your landscape, which will include these importers.You could try to set transitive to false in the ivy.xml file for some of the ProM packages, but this may result in necessary classes not being in your landscape when you run ProM, which may lead to exceptions.Kind regards,Eric.
sorry to bother you : I have set it to false, but unfortunately, I still have those plug-in options. I also tried to modify the ini file, but if I did that, the plug-in I developed by myself would not be searched.
I don’t know if it has anything to do with these statements in ivy.xml: default" org="org.antlr" name="antlr-runtime" rev="3.2" /> default" org="prom-libs" name="pnapi-java" rev="1.0.5" /> default" org="prom-libs" name="uma" rev="1.3.2" />
Hi,Did you declare a dependency on the XESLite package itself? Like a following line:
<dependency org="prom" name="XESLite" rev="latest" changing="true" transitive="true" />
This would cause ivy to include the XESLite package in a non-transitive way...No, these other dependencies are dependencies on (third-party) libraries.Kind regards,Eric.
I used to have this, but then I deleted it, but I still can’t get rid of those plugins.
HI,Perhaps you can clean the ivy caches (option "Ivy / Clean all caches" if you right-click your project.)Other than this, I would not know. You need to check your project setup. When started, Prom scans all jar files in the classpath for plugins. Somehow, the XESLite jar file is in your classpath.Kind regards,Eric.
Thank you very much for your answers, I will try again these few days
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