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Want to know what deadlock detection plug-ins are available
I am a beginner in process mining.I would like to ask which ProM plugins can detect deadlocks in Petri Net, or fix deadlocks.
Dear,Provided that your Petri net is a workflow net, the Woflan plugin can check whether the net is sound. If so, there are no deadlocks. If not, either tokens are left behind, or there are deadlocks. Woflan first checks whether tokens are left behind. If so, it will not check for deadlocks.Kind regards,Eric.
@hverbeek Dear, Thank you for your patience.I've spent the last two days trying to turn my Petri Net into a work flow Net.Then I tried using the plug-in.What plug-ins can I use if I want to check the specific values of attributes I mined for Petri Net, such as Fitness, Generalization, Complexity, Precision, and Soundness.Do I need to ensure that the input is a work stream? Kind regards, wk.
Dear,Fitness should not be a problem. If you replay the event log on the Petri net, then the replayer should return fitness in its replay results. The other metrics are not that easy yet, unfortunately, which is mainly due to the fact that there is no consensus yet on how to compute these metrics. For example, there will be different plugins to compute precision, but they may not fully agree on the exact value for the precision. Furthermore, these metrics should stay more or like the same if you convert the process from one format to another.A process format for which you can compute all four metrics is the Process Tree. The well-known Inductive Miner results in such a Process Tree, although you may choose to have it converted to a Petri net. Nevertheless, using the Inductive Miner, you can discover a Process Tree from an event log using the Inductive Miner, then replay the event log on that Process Tree, and then check the values for the four metrics.I hope this helps you a bit.Kind regards,Eric.
@hverbeek Dear, Thank you for your patient answer, which makes me more proficient in using ProM.I also hope I can help others like you when I have more knowledge.I have one more question to ask you.If I use the Woflan plug-in and input is not a workflow network, will it only detect Unconnected nodes? Kind regards, wk.
Yes, it will. It will provide you with a list of source places (for a workflow net, there should be only 1), a list of sink places (should be only 1), and a list of unconnected nodes (should be none).
Dear, I have another question to ask.If I use Woflan plugin to input a complex Petrinet, will the plugin run for several hours? I use the divide-and-conquer plugin to mine a Petrinet with BPI2012 as the input.Ran it as woflan for a long time with no results. Kind wk, Eric.
Dear, I have another question to ask.If I use Woflan plugin to input a complex Petrinet, will the plugin run for several hours? I use the divide-and-conquer plugin to mine a Petrinet with BPI2012 as the input.Ran it as woflan for a long time with no results. Kind regards, wk.
Dear,Yes, that can happen. Although Woflan will start with the less complex properties to check for soundness, these less-complex properties may actually take a long time.Sometimes, it is more convenient to run the "Analyze Behavioral of Petri net" plugin, and to have that compute boundedness, liveness, and dead transitions. But please be aware that if you want to check soundness this way, you need to add the additional 'short-circuiting' transition from the sink place to the source place. A way to do this would be to use the Woflan plugin, which creates this short-circuited net in your workspace (see the All tab). While Woflan is seemingly running forever, you could export this one to disk, stop ProM (which stops Woflan), start ProM and import this short-circuited net, and then run the plugins mentioned above on it.Kind regards,Eric.
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