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The "multiperspective miner" plug in
Hello, everyone
I want know more about this plug in, such as the author or the references,but i only find that "This prom plugin has been developed as part of the prompt project". What is prompt, I want know more about it. Can anyone provide some advice?
Thank you in advance.
Yahui Tang
I want know more about this plug in, such as the author or the references,but i only find that "This prom plugin has been developed as part of the prompt project". What is prompt, I want know more about it. Can anyone provide some advice?
Thank you in advance.
Yahui Tang
Dear Yahui Tang,Please have a look the the publication titled "Discovering high-level BPMN process models from event data" which can be found at regards,Eric.
Hi Yahui Tang,
Thank you for your interest in MultiPerspectiveMiner.
Yes, all the details are in this publication.
This plugin was developed by Andrea Burattin, Wil van der Aalst, Alessandro Sperduti, and myself. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Anna -
Hi, Anna Thank you for your attention and prompt reply. I noticeed that if the performers of each activity are different, the control flow model cannot be divided by the role swimlanes, all activities are divided into one role. Is there any good solution to this situation? Kind regards, Yahui Tang
Hi Yahui Tang, Many thanks for your question.
Here is the paper that describes the role discovery used in Prompt plugin:
Unfortunately, I do not know all the details (probably you should also ask Andrea Burattin).
Suppose that we have two activities A and B.
A is performed by resources r1,r2, and r3, and B is performed by r4,r5, and r6.
Now the question is if there are any common resources, i.e., is it possible in your case that r1=r4 and r2=r5? (the result depends on the share of common resources).
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